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SoundHandle delivers...
Quality Content for Promoting Your Talent

Marketing your talent is not easy. Getting discovered, booking gigs and developing a fan base require three basic things:

A compelling message that arouses curiosity and a desire to learn more about the artist or band. The message must have effective delivery. Potential fans must read your text, watch your video, or listen to your music....not scroll past it because it is not engaging. Your marketing and promotion effort must have consistency. Continually share fresh, high quality, interesting content that prompts people to look, listen or read. 

High quality audio content gets bookings, fans and plays

Are You Ready?

Effective marketing does not rely on luck. It requires investments of creativity, effort and money. SoundHandle, part of Content Creation Collective, wants to be part of your team, and to show our commitment to your success, we have an affordable fixed price package to get you started. We will come to your gig, practice or other site and record your entire performance in a multitrack format, to capture the energy of your live performance. In post production, we will mix and master a song for you to use on your website, social media, videos, email campaign or other promotional effort. Try it out, measure the results. We know it works when done well. Are you ready?

© 2021 by Content Creation Collective, LLC

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